Alternate identifier:
(KITopen-DOI) 10.5445/IR/1000145892
Related identifier:
Veser, A. [Institut für Thermische Energietechnik und Sicherheit]

Friedrich, A. [Institut für Thermische Energietechnik und Sicherheit]

Jordan, T. [Institut für Thermische Energietechnik und Sicherheit]

Kuznetsov, M. [Institut für Thermische Energietechnik und Sicherheit]

Kotchourko, N. [Institut für Thermische Energietechnik und Sicherheit]
PRESLHY Experiment series 5.3; block ratio: 60%; initial temperature: ambient (warm)
Additional titles:
(Abstract) In the frame of the PRESLHY project W.P. 5.3. a series of experiments was carried out. The phenomena of cryogenic hydrogen combustion in a layer geometry relevant to flame spread over the spill of LH2 and flame acceleration and deflagration-detonation-transition for cryogenic hydrogen-air clouds in an enclosure were studied. The objective of work was completing the experimental database on cryogenic LH2 combustion, including laminar steady state and turbulent combustion and detonation of LH2 and gaseous hydrogen in air at cryogenic temperatures.
(Abstract) In the frame of the PRESLHY project W.P. 5.3. a series of experiments was carried out. The phenomena of cryogenic hydrogen combustion in a layer geometry relevant to flame spread over the spill of LH2 and flame acceleration and deflagration-detonation-transition for cryogenic hydrogen-air clouds in an enclosure were studied. The objective of work was completing the experimental database on cryogenic LH2 combustion, including laminar steady state and turbulent combustion and detonation of LH2 and gaseous hydrogen in air at cryogenic temperatures.
(Technical Remarks) The presented video files demonstrate the behavior of combustion, its speed and acceleration, under various initial conditions: temperature, pressure, block ratio. The corresponding data (temperature, pressure, concentrations) in distribution and ignition modes are also presented.
Hydrogen safety
cryogenic hydrogen combustion in a layer geometry
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Rights holders:
Veser, A.

Friedrich, A.

Jordan, T.

Kuznetsov, M.

Kotchourko, N.
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