Alternate identifier:
(KITopen-DOI) 10.5445/IR/1000151148
Related identifier:
Moriche, Manuel [Institut für Hydromechanik]

Hettmann, Daniel [Institut für Hydromechanik]

García-Villalba, Manuel [García-Villalba, Manuel]

Uhlmann, Markus [Institut für Hydromechanik]
Supplementary animations "On the clustering of low-aspect-ratio oblate spheroids settling in ambient fluid"
Additional titles:
(Technical Remarks) ANIMATIONS FROM _"On the clustering of low-aspect-ratio oblate spheroids settling in ambient fluid"_ Authors: Manuel Moriche, Daniel Hettmann, Manuel García-Villalba and Markus Uhlmann. # Many-particle cases ## Flow configuration The animations correspond to the cases G111 and G152 described in table 1 from the original article. In these cases a set of many particles settle under gravity in a triply periodic configuration. The particles considered are oblate spheroids of aspect ratio 1.5 and the number of them is such that the solid volume fraction is 0.5%, which corresponds to the dilute regime. The cases differ from each other in the Galileo number: `G=sqrt((rhop/rhof-1)*g*D**3)/nu=110.56` and 152.02 for cases G111 and G152, respectively. The size of computational domain is approximately `[55x55x220]D**3`, where D is the diameter of a sphere with the same volume as the spheroids and the resolution used (`D/dx`) is approximately 21. The time is indicated in the videos is expressed in `D/Ug` units, where `Ug=sqrt((rhop/rhof-1)*abs(g)*D)` is a gravitationally scaled velocity. ## Content For each case there are different videos of the initial or converged state, or different representations of the flow/particles. The case, part of the video and representation is contained in the name of each video: 1. Case: - `G111`: Galileo 110.56. - `G152`: Galileo 152.02. 2. Time interval of the simulation: - `INITIAL`: First simulated time, including the time before releasing the particles (t<0). - `CONVERGED`: Statistically stationary part of the simulation. 3. Point of view: `bottom`, `iso`, `side` and `side_zoomed`. 4. Representation. In every video particles are always represented in pink and wakes with transparency isocontours of Q criterion. Additionally, isocontours of filtered vertical velocity are represented in two ways: - `low_speed`: The value to define the isocontour is similar to that of the mixture. In this representation the regions in which particles are located in clustering/non-clustering regions are easily identified. Dark blue face points to non-clustering, slow regions and light blue face points to clustering, fast regions. - `high_speed`: The value to define isocontour is approximately 50% larger than the average velocity of the mixture. Therefore, the isocontours (in yellow) indicate regions of where the downward velocity is greatly enhanced. - `only_wakes`: No flow velocity is represented. Only side zoomed view is available for this representation. # Drafting-kissing-tumbling For illustration purposes one animation is included (`DKT_animation.mp4`) of the drafting-kissing-tumbling simulations. The simulations have been performed for Galileo 110.56 with density ratio 1.5. The size of the computational domain measures `[10.66 x 10.66 x 21.33] D**3`. Four configurations are considered: - Free-to-rotate spheres (angular motion enabled). - Rotationally-locked spheres (angular motion suppressed). - Free-to-rotate spheroids of aspect ratio 1.5 (angular motion enabled). - Rotationally-locked spheroids of aspect ratio 1.5 (angular motion suppressed). In the animation the four configurations are shown for a single initial condition, namely the relative position of the trailing particle with respect to the leading particle is `[0.625, 7.5] D`. The particles are represented in green with a mesh that helps to visualize the rotation and contours of vertical velocity are shown in grey scale. # References: Manuel Moriche, Daniel Hettmann, Manuel García-Villalba and Markus Uhlmann, _"On the clustering of low-aspect-ratio oblate spheroids settling in ambient fluid"_, accepted in J. Fluid Mech. # History: __04.10.2022__ Creation and data added __06.02.2023__ DKT animation added # Contact [Manuel Moriche]( [Markus Uhlmann](
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Hettmann, Daniel

García-Villalba, Manuel
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